Estimated walking time 3-4 hrs. Elevation 240 meters. You do not need to be a good athlete to cover the distance, just remember to dress to the occasion. The surface of the hiking trail and scenery is mostly grey, black or brown from lava and volcanic ashes. On your way you come by steam leaking through the lava from down below, and you will also cross small streams. When you reach the crater Strýtur in the center of the lava field you will feel the complete isolation from civilization this volcanic desert has to offer. Strýtur erupted around 7000 years ago. The diameter of the crater is about 1 km. Some rocks and pinnacles are around the crater Strýtur, otherwise rather flat and easy to cross, with a fair bit of vegetation. From there it is possible to walk around the crater and into it, which will add around 2 km to the total trip. On a good day you will be surrounded with the view of glaciers in almost any direction for example the beautiful looking Hrútfell.